One thing that has always remained a constant in this sport is the amount of money riders take home every year. As in, we have NO FING IDEA!
How much do riders make in terms of their contract through the team? You have a better chance of finding the nuclear launch codes.
Gear money? Bonus money? Haha, nope.
I don’t really care all that much. I’ve heard some numbers thrown around in regards to championship bonuses and honestly it’s pretty good. Of course this varies rider to rider and their own gear deals, team deals, etc. etc. I have no idea if it’s 100 percent accurate, so Slaw will not be naming said numbers. Don’t want to be spreading not real news.
In the post-race press conference, Daniel Blair asked Cooper Webb, Colt Nichols, and Justin Cooper what they were going to do with their bonus money (the amount of which we don’t know) and I gotta say, I’m pretty impressed with their responses. Pretty smart young doggies we have here.
Cooper Webb:
I’m a tight wad, so I can’t even tell you. I’ll let you know. Maybe a boat.
Colt Nichols:
This is a fake chain, so I might buy a real one to be honest. Pay my house off. That’s going to be first.
Justin Cooper:
I think I’m going to have to stop on the way back from Vegas and do some shopping, spend some of it that way. Then you’ve got to pay off the house and set yourself up for your future. That’s important stuff!
What would Slaw do? I would probably fly to Vegas, grab a few Claws, and lay a bunch of money on black and let it ride!!!! YOLO!
Main image: Octopi Media