5 Things We Learned at Arlington Supercross

Five Things We Learned…is a new-ish installment to the Vurb line of race coverage. It’s a quick hitting piece where I break down five trending topics from the weekend. We’ll put facts behind what happened and break down how it will play out. As always, please feel free to give your thoughts on these topics in the comment section. If you’d like to discuss any of these topics further or have a question for me you can reach me at [email protected]


It’s insane to me that Nate Thrasher is doing all of this with a torn ACL. Like, I obviously know that you can race without one, but I’m not going to be like some know it alls and act like I know what that feels like. I’ve never done it. Thrasher worked hard for his first win of the season. He’s also making a strong case to win this championship. His corner speed looked incredible and he’s turning into a really fun rider to watch. Thrasher does have some points to make up, however the series is still really young and this could be a battle! 


I don’t know, man. I’m not going to sit here and dissect the crashing like everyone else. I do want to say that I respect the way that Sextpn acts after the races. We’ve seen guys run and hide in the motorhome and cry when things don’t go their way. Not Sexton. Also, I will say that Squad love aside from Grant Harlan, I have no issue with how that scenario went down. One of the biggest things we need to realize is that we aren’t racing, so we don’t have any idea what it’s like to get out of the way when two riders battling for the lead come into the corner behind us. One rider is going one way and the other is angled in another direction. Harlan tried his best to get out of the way. It was a bad scenario and he apologized for it. Sexton responded and said it was all good. Had Harlan not moved then Webb and Sexton would have run into him as well. Like I said, that could have been anyone in that lapper situation and I would have had the same take. Let’s all calm down. 


The best part about Jeremy Martin winning the third race was the fact that he had no idea he did. After listening to his podium interview I’m putting him as a really big favorite to win this weekend at Daytona. He loves the place. That win was a huge confidence boost. I think that J-Mart is building through Supercross and trying to stay healthy in the process. Heading into Daytona while feeling the James Stewart “neck burn” is probably a really good feeling! 

Justin Hill

I don’t know what to make of Hill. On one hand I’m glad he’s back racing because he’s really fast, but on the other hand his pre-race boxing freaks me out. So, I refuse to sit here and say anything bad just in case I show up to a race and he challenges me to a duel. I think the rule is that if you are asked to duel then you are not allowed to back down. Anyway, a top ten overall in Arlington was a great result for Justin. He’s building and getting better each week and a nice surprise comeback story. His brother Josh is building as well and those Team Tedder bikes are climbing the standings.  

Triple Crowns

I love Triple Crowns. I want more of them. It’s exciting knowing that in that third race we can have some many possible outcomes. If we did half of the series this way I’d be okay with that. I can’t say that many riders agree with me, but I for one enjoy them. 

Main image: DNC Photos

Written by Troy Dog

Faster than Slaw Dog. Editor-in-Chief

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