Vurb Shred Tour at Millcreek: Huge Gallery From Sunday

The second stop of the #vurbshredtour presented by Maxima Racing Oils at Millcreek has wrapped up. THANK YOU to everyone who came out to support our mission. 

Here’s a TON of photos for you all to use, download, post, or make your background… whatever you feel like doing. Be sure to hashtag #vurbshredtour and tag @vurbmoto!

Make sure to come out to stop 3 at Riverside Raceway in Winterset, Iowa.

Special thanks to Maxima Racing Oils,, Fly Racing, Race Tech, Pirelli MX, Polar Watches, and R3Motoworx for bringing out all the goods.

Written by Blake Keith

Hailing all the way from Somerset, Kentucky, Blake became engrained in the vurb crew because he came and crushed 14 White Claws, in one sitting, with Wes at Millcreek. After that, we realized his photos were really, really good.... so we decided to make him a video guy? Genius on our part. Blake is currently heading up our Maroon Program. He's Red Program in video, but black belt in photo, so we're pretty sure you get maroon when you mix the two. But we probably should've asked Jeeves to make sure.
The best thing about Blake is he accepts payment in beard oil.
Check out Blake at @BlakeKeith_.

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