VMZ News Desk: Recapping Daytona Supercross and RCSX

Ah, what a week in Daytona. From the Daytona Supercross to RCSX, it was a busy week for us moto heads. Lucky for all of you viewers, VMZ News Desk anchor Jeff Simpson was there all week and he and special guest Blake Keith break it all down.

Written by Jeff Simpson

We met Jeff sleeping in a tent down the street from Loretta Lynn's... with his computer. At that point, we knew he would fit in with us. Then, he then drank all the white claw flavors none of us liked, and that's when we knew it was meant to be. Jeff officially became part of the crew.
We're terrible at asking questions, so we're not exactly sure what Jeff does for a living, but he loves petting his cats and dog, growing his beard, and living in a cornfield in Michigan. Jeff also likes to wear cycling glasses while driving his car and using his cameras. We like Jeff.

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