Morning Espresso: Electric Supercross; Ducati and Shark; 450SX Title Contenders, Ranked and More

Welcome to Morning Espresso, an awesome piece presented by Go check out RDRCO (pronounced “rider-co”) as the company’s exclusive riding gear. This new gear line offers an affordable option for weekend riders and the casual racer.

Electric Supercross?

Slaw was on the Toob the other day for “research” and came across this video from Moto Matt.

(Slaw Note: I have not watched the entire video, I don’t have time for all that, so if there is something unsuitable for children, Slaw is not liable.)

Look, I don’t want electric in pro Supercross and Motocross. With that said, how can you not watch this video and not want to do this? This looks awesome. There is a place for electric and I’m down to ride this. Send me a bike, Matt!

Ducati Is Coming

And the Shark went and caught up with Mister nine-time in Italy to get a look at the new bike:

Vurbmoto Edit Contest Update

Maybe it is just my YouTube algorithm, but I’ve been seeing a metric ton of Vurbmoto Edit Contest vids dropping. There is still plenty of time to enter, so go download the footage and get to work.

With that said, I’ll start just dropping random edits I see in the Espresso. This week, check out TC Imagez InstaBanger edit:

Random Rankings: SX Title Contenders

1 Cooper Webb

2 Jett Lawrence

3 Chase Sexton

Main Image: Octopi Media

Written by Slaw Dog

Just a dog trying to find my special bun.

Triumph Releases Official Statement Regarding Jalek Swoll and Evan Ferry

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