Generation 2.0 “So Bland” ft. Max Vohland

Welcome to the first installment of our new series Generation 2.0 “So Bland”. The music is gone, but the storytelling remains the same. Want to experience the raw sights and sounds of Loretta Lynn’s? Follow along with Max Vohland and his mechanic TJ Rowen as they get up bright and early on Thursday morning and prepare for the second moto of the 125cc (12-17) class.

See what it takes to get into the championship mindset, brought to you by Scott Sports.

One Comment

  1. Keep pumping these out! This is my jam. This is a different perspective that no one gets to see.

Written by Vurbwes Chilidog

Been 'round these parts making dirtbike movies since '02; a weathered veteran with moto and camera related back issues, the hearing equivalent to my great-great grandfather's, and a dirt tan that will literally never come off. But I'm still in way better shape than every other dog in this joint, but that's because I use Chili and no slaw.

Big Ole Gallery from Thursday at the Ranch

Jett Reynolds is a Beast