As we talked about over the weekend, Troy Lee Designs/Red Bull GasGas’ Justin Barcia was DQ’d from the second 450 moto at Budds Creek on Saturday for apparently aggressive contact with Dylan Ferrandis.
We did not see the incident and we haven’t seen any video, so we can’t comment on it at this time, but it must have been pretty bad to earn a DQ.
Yesterday, Ferrandis released a statement on Instagram along with photos, which gives you a better idea what happened:
“Budds Creek moto 2 I got T-bone by barcia, pretty normal from him, but this time he went off track in the previous corner where I passed him, gained time off track and went straight into me and made me crash. At this point I don’t really care about that but I just wonder how can his Team, sponsor, family, friends, trainer, fan… can support that ? Yeah he got disqualified but he will do it again next weekend and every other races and nothing will change… No sportsmanship and bad image for our sport. Very sore today I hope I can make it to next race at 100%.”
Main image: Yamaha
This guy was the dirtiest rider in MXGP. Now he is a baby
Absolute cry baby.. this dude has some nerve saying Barcia is dirty
He also failed to mention that Barcia ended up off the track, because Fernandez put him there
If you can dish it
You better be able to take it.
Well there you have it! Next time barcia runs you off the track ,just t- bone him ,but beware barcia,if you say anything about it you will be the cry baby
Barcia needs to go! He is 30 but will never grow up. He did a whip in front of Dungey that I thought should have gotten him suspended. He did the whip to take #5 OUT. He is dangerous and if allowed to keep his license will continue to make an ass of himself. Dylan got a little rough with 51 which he has done more in his career than the next ten riders. But Barcia’s response was assault. There is no question about that. I know there are kids out there that love the bad boy stuff but they are kids. #51 is still a kid and doesn’t belong in a man’s sport. I fail to see how his sponsors want that type of image for their products. AMA, revoke his license, its time.
You can tell who the real top riders are they fight hard but not dirty. Barcia is good of course but not great. He knows that and hislow self esteem cannot handle it. I cant stand watching him and will not buy anythig from anyone who is connected
to him. Haha means absolutly nothing
Yeah Ferrandis is a little duchebag!! I couldn’t believe the comment he made about how Barcia’s sponsors, team, family, etc can support him when he does things like that after that Frenchie tinkerbell almost ended Christian Craig’s career last year in SX!!! That is in my top 3 ALL-TIME dirtiest takeout moves and I’ve been involved in this sport heavily for almost 50 years!!! He’s just lucky that it was Craig he hit like that! Just imagine if that had been Hannah or Johnson that he done that to!!!!! This guy has no room to point fingers at anyone!! I personally like watching Barcia aside from moves like on Stewart and incidents like that! I think it may be some KARMA coming around to him!