We all love Kyle Chisholm. The man has seen a lot and done a lot in the sport. One of the best things about him is that he literally remembers every detail of his career. He also is a huge fan of Stewsday and he understands how important that day is. When I had him on the Squad Pod a few weeks ago, Chiz was nice enough to tell me about some Stew memories. Not only did he grow up as one of James Stewart’s closest friends, but the entire Stewart family are also like family to Chiz. He knew Stew before everything became Stewable.
On the podcast I brought up the David Banner music video and I wanted to know whether or not Chiz was invited to the shoot that day. He said that he thinks that the video shoot happened while he was hurt in 2004. Pretty much from there, Chiz took it and ran with it and provided an amazing story for this awesome Stewsday.
Chiz on the day that he got hurt that set him behind for his A class year in 2004…
“Stew was there the day that I got hurt! Remember that this is the end of 2003, James won everything. Remember that he lost the outdoor title because he missed like the first four races, because he got hurt at the Las Vegas Supercross that year? In October of 2003, I’m still an amateur and I’m at a Ronnie Tichenor school. Randy Yoho and Ronnie Tichenor were the only people that ever taught me how to ride a dirt bike growing up. Randy, more at the beginning and Ronnie more towards the end. So, I’m at a Ronnie Tichenor school with Nico Izzi, Ian Trettel, and James just came out for the day. He wants to ride with all of us and he’s my buddy, so he’s like,’you guys are at Hard Rock, I’ll come out and ride ofr the day’. The day that my bike blew up and I got hurt, James was there.”
Chiz on what it was like being around James at the start of his success…
“James is a couple of years older than me and he turned pro at 16, so I was going to some pro races to just hang out and be there. I’m like 14 or 15 years old hanging out in the factory trucks.I got exposed to stuff earlier than most people would. He had so much success as a sixteen year old coming up. He had so much attention and we were just best friends hanging out all the time. I was just there for all that stuff and to me it was just normal. It wasn’t like we set this thing up and David Banner is coming out. It’s this big deal! Put it on your calendar! It was just like another day. We were hanging out with Ken Griffey Jr. when he was still playing baseball. I met Michael Jordan in Daytona with James. Jordan was my hero growing up. I kind of wish now that I could do it again. I feel like I took it for granted being a fifteen year old kid. It was a lot of good memories growing up with James. We had a lot of fun. His entire family has always been like a second family to me. Malcolm is awesome and Big James and Sonya were like second parents to me growing up.
Chiz on Big James and Sonya…
“I owe my success in riding and my career to them as well. My parents did a ton for me, but Big James and Sonya did a lot for me. Being able to be around James, at their house, opening up their home to me when I was younger. To be there was a big help to me as well. I was like a fly on the wall for all the crazy stuff like that.”
Chiz on his relationship with Stew today…
“He was actually on my flight back from one of the outdoors this year. Obviously we’re both busy, he’s got kids and I’ve got kids, we’re like an hour and a half from one another. It’s not like we live right around the corner. I talk to him when I see him. We’ve talked for a while on flights and stuff like that at the end of outdoors. It would be nice to make more time to be together. I’ve got three kids now, I’m wide open, if I’m not at the track and riding I’m working and doing something with them. I squeeze my friends in when I can. It’s cool to have him back around too. Obviously I know not all the details by any means, but I know a lot of crap on why he went away for a while and where he was mentally. To see him back around and everything is just awesome. The person who I’m friends with and know is not the person that wouldn’t be around.You know what I mean? Look at James back in the 125cc days, he’s dancing after he wins. He wants to showboat and get all the attention. That’s the person that I know. To see him disappear for a few years kind of bummed me out. I totally understand it, but it sucked in general. For the most part everyone loved him and now he’s been well received being back at the races again. That’s been awesome to see. I’m glad to have him back in the sport and being involved at the races.”
Chiz on Mookie…
“Malcolm is like a little brother to me. I remember back in the day when he didn’t even want to ride a motorcycle as a kid. To see Malcolm have the success that he’s had too has been really cool. I’m honestly more proud of him than he is of himself just to see where he’s come from. To see him make something for himself has been really cool too. It’s been a lot of great years with great memories with that family.
Chiz on hair twisties…
“You know how James had his hair twisted, back in the day? I went to his barber shop and had my hair twisted. I looked like a white drug dealer.”
That’s all for this edition of Chiz’s Stewsday memories. Maybe we will make this a monthly thing?
Main image: Feld Motor Sports