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Welcome to the wrap up of the opening round for the Pro Motocross Championship at Fox Raceway! We saw some surprises, some not so surprises, some great riding, and others where you thought they would ride better. We had controvery as well when Tom Vialle was penalized in the first moto for gaining an advantage off the track, but Haiden Deegan was not after arguably doing the same. The AMA deliberated Deegan’s move long after the racing ended, including while the delayed press conference was going on. Deegan ended up keeping his 1-1 scores on the day. It’s been a day, so let’s revisit everything that went down in the house that Deegan built.
Tom Vialle Grabs Holeshot – 250MX Moto 1
Chef Magic
Vialle Enters the Danger Zone
Masterpool Crash
Ty would be get back up to finish 19th in the moto and 12th in the second moto for a fifteenth overall on his new Pro Circuit ride.
Unlucky Chef Boots
Late in the moto, Kitchen went fishing for yellow track markers and caught one! Deegan went on to win moto one.
Jett Takes Off – 450MX Moto 1
I Mean, Come On Man: Video Game Mode
With Sexton down in the first turn the first moto was all Jett.
Vialle Penalized 250MX Moto 1
Deegan Grabs the 250MX Moto 2 Holeshot
More Bad Luck For Vialle
He would remount for third in the moto and overall,
Shimoda Troubles
H-Law Grabs 450MX Moto 2 Holeshot
Lawrence/Sexton Give Jett Fits…
…Trouble for Chase
250MX Official Results

450MX Official Results

Main Image: Octopi Media