Look man, you can’t talk about the legend James Stewart without mentioning the advancements that he made to the sport of motocross. The number one staple of Stew is the Scrub. The Scrub is capitalized always because of how legendary it is and I even have contacted the Merriam-Webster publishing company, which is home to America’s Most Trusted Dictionary about this.
When Stew dropped the Scrub heard around the world in the second moto at Budds Creek in 2003 it changed the course of history. Nothing was ever the same.
A week later everyone at the local track was head whipping and turning their bars on every single jump. The decent riders would eventually get quite nice with it and get kind of flat. The beginner riders were turning their bars on every jump and scaring the living tar out of the flaggers. It didn’t matter. These riders were vibing and envisioning that they were riding like Stew.
We actually had an entire era at the amateur nationals where everyone was scrubbing like Stew on every jump and panic revving their engines at the same time, just like Justin Barcia. Twas’ truly a magical time to be alive.
It’s been a while since I’ve been to a local race or any amateur race for that matter, so I’m not sure if the kids still ride like this. Just in case the Scrub has fallen off, let’s take a look at this video from eight years ago on the Red Bull Motorsports page. This shoot was actually where this header image originated from! Hear from the man himself on how to do his most patented move.
Watch it, learn from it, and go out there and perfect it.
Thanks Stew! I’ll see you guys later. I’m going to the local track to Scrub the ten foot table over and over.
Main Image: Red Bull Content Pool
Little known fact, Gypsy Tales did a large amount of the shooting for this here video!