A day late, and a dollar short is the expression, but you always get great value for money with these Clueless articles so to my point, that saying definitely doesn’t apply here…
– Sexton would have needed a sniper rifle in his gloves to have hit Webb in Atlanta
– I might have misheard, but I’m pretty sure James threw some shade at a “cycling coach”
– Jett Lawrence broke his Triple Crown “curse” last time out, but the curse of Will Christien speaking and something major happening lives on
– A day-race on the East Coast just doesn’t make sense to me
– Call it a coinky-dink but I noticed this week was a completely open-air stadium with no chance of chemical poisoning
– Did Ricky and James race together?
– I think they did
– And Ricky preferred to be in second place
– It took a little bit of time, but the broadcast crew finally realized that Sexton is back in this championship battle
– Maybe Feld can get sponsor for their burnout patch, who’ll hopefully make it big enough for three bikes
– Not sure, but Jason Anderson had a baby this weekend
– Or at least his wife did…
– Seriously, just once…. show Hill vs Hill battling!
– Get well soon to Thrasher and anyone else who hit the dirt this weekend
– Thankfully AC survived his crash, so he can continue “logging laps”
Main image: Mike Vizer